Friday, September 30, 2011

7th grade VB at Riverside

Audubon won the A match handily, 21-6 and 21-10. Taylor served for 10 winning points the first game and 8 the second game! Becky served for 3 winning points in the first game and Lexie served for 3 the second game. We didn't have a lot of chances to set up the ball for a spike, but we did manage one good one in the first game and two in the second game.
Riverside won the B matches 22-20 and 21-11. Our serving was a little off, but Lila served 5 winning points in the first game and Sara served for 3.
Remember: Unicorns are amazing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

7th grade VB vs. Griswold

GREAT JOB! Audubon won the A match 2 games to 1, with all the games being very close. Audubon lost the first game 22-20. Sydney served 6 winning points and Kaitlyn served 3 winners. The team had 4 really good setups for spikes, which was one of our points of emphasis for this match. Audubon won the second game 21-17, with Kaitlyn serving 6 winning serves and Taylor serving 3. The team had 3 good setups for spikes. Audubon won the third game 15-10, with Taylor serving 3 winning points. The team had 4 good setups for spikes, which was their best effort yet for the shorter game.

 Griswold won a close B game, 21-18. Lexi served for 3 winning points and Alexis served for 2. Everyone is improving each game. Good job!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

7th grade VB vs. Underwood

Audubon lost the A match to a very good Underwood team, 21-17 and 21-11. Sydney served for 5 winning points in the first game and Taylor served for 3 winning points in the second game. We set the ball up about the best we have all year. The B matches were both close, with Audubon winning the first one 21-18. Lexi and Claire both served 4 winning points. Underwood won the second game 21-18, with Alexis serving 4 winning points.

7th grade VB at AHST

Audubon beat AHST in 2 straight games in the A match, 21-6 and 21-14. Sydney served 16 straight winning points in the first game and Taylor served 10 straight winning points in game 2! The team did a really good job of setting the ball. Audubon won the B games 22-20 and 21-8. Aly served 7 winning points and Sara served 4 winning points in the first game. Alexis served 7 winning points in the second game and Lila served 3.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tri-Center Meet

Another fine effort by the 7th grade volleyball girls. We came up a little short the first A match, losing 21-19. Many good volleys and digs by both teams. This was our best serving this year. Taylor served 8 winning points for the Wheelers and Kaitlin served 4 winners. Tri-Center won the second game 21-9, with Taylor serving 3 winning points.
Tri-Center won the B match 21-14 and 21-10. Alexis Fab. served 7 winning points, and Claire and Rebecca each served 3 winners.
Audubon won the C match in a close one, 24-22. Carmen had 3 serves for winning points.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

JH Volleyball vs. Mo. Valley Sept 13

The girls played very well for their first match of the season against a very good Mo. Valley team. Mo. Valley won the A Match 2-1 with scores of 21-14, 10-21, and 11-15. Taylor N. served 10 winning points in the A Matches and Katie K. served 9.

Audubon won the B Match 2-0 with scores of 21-8 and 21-7. Allie V. served for 13 winning points in the B Match and Lila Sebetka served for 12.

Great effort girls!